Verified By- Dr. Jaishree Sharad: For us women, our beautiful, long and thick hair is our crown. Every woman wants her hair to always be healthy and good, but due to the changing lifestyle, the problem of hair fall and thinning is very serious. Along with our diet, there can be many reasons why hair can become thin.

Hair starts breaking after it becomes thin, but let us tell you that experts say that it is common for 100 hair strands to break in a day. When that hair falls, new hair grows. Yes, if your hair is falling more than this, then it can be a matter of concern.

Hair also becomes thin due to not taking proper care of hair, hormonal imbalance and lack of nutrients in the diet. Board-certified dermatologist DrJayashree Sharad says, 'Women aged 30 years and above often come complaining that their hair is thinning. Theyhas started seeing patches on their scalp. These empty spaces and patches seen on the scalp could be hair thinning or pattern alopecia.

She further says, 'Hair thinning can be treated only when you know its real cause. This can be due to many reasons like anaemia, lack of nutritional diet, PCOS, stress etc. What are the other reasons for hair thinning in women and how can it be treated? Let us know from experts only.

What causes hair thinning?

Hair thinning can be caused by lifestyle habits, genetics, or both. Dr. Jayshree has also given other reasons for this-

1. Thinning hair can be genetic

Genetics play a big role in determining how much hair you will lose as you age. However, other factors – such as stress levels, nutrition and medications also cause it. Genetic hair loss cannot be reversed, but there are some steps you can follow to slow the process.

2. Hair becomes thin due to hair styling tools

Excessive use of hair styling tools is another reason due to which hair becomes thin and breaks. The high heat of the iron, straightener and blow dryer damages the hair fibres, causing thinning of the hair. Apart from this, repeatedly tying hair in tight ponytails also causes breakage and hair fall. Since there is too much pressure on the hairline roots, the hair becomes weak and breaks.

3. Hair becomes thin due to hormonal imbalance

DrJayashree explains that thinning and breakage of hair also occur due to hormonal imbalance. Hair also falls a lot during conditions like PCOS, thyroid and perimenopause. The body produces more androgens during perimenopause and menopause in response to the loss of estrogen and progesterone. Androgens shrink the hair follicle, causing hair fall.

4. Hair becomes thin due to iron deficiency

Due to a lack of haemoglobin, hair becomes thin and breaks. Iron plays an important role in the production of haemoglobin, an essential metalloprotein that your body uses to transport oxygen in the blood. When your body is deficient in iron, it becomes difficult for oxygen to reach vital cells. Due to this, oxygen does not reach the cells that stimulate the growth of your nails and hair, due to which your hair becomes thin and may start falling.

5. Hair becomes thin due to stress

Due to stress your hair also becomes thin and starts falling. Stress puts your hair follicles into the resting phase and stops the formation of new hair. Over time, hair begins to break excessively due to washing, touching, or combing. Telogen Effluvium (the medical term for severe hair loss) can also be caused by poor nutrition and changes in hormone levels.

4. Hair becomes thin due to serious illness and medicines

Due to many serious diseases and taking medicines, hair can become thin and start breaking. Medicines are designed to treat various health conditions, but sometimes they can have unwanted side effects. Some medications may contribute to excess hair growth, changes in hair colour or texture, or hair loss. Serious diseases and medications cause hair loss by interfering with the normal cycle of hair growth. During the anagen phase, which lasts from two to seven years, hair grows. During the telogen phase, which lasts about three months, the hair rests. At the end of the telogen phase, the hair falls out and is replaced by new hair. Medicines like these cause thinning and hair loss.

What is Hair Thinning Treatment?

You have known the reasons for thinning hair, and now know the treatment of hair fall from Dr. Jayshree. She says, 'First of all it is important that you know the real reason for this. When you know the reason why your hair is thinning and falling, you will be able to treat it. Consult a dermatologist or trichologist. They will give you minoxidil or peptides, capexil, amino acids tretinoin etc. which help in promoting hair follicles. Apart from this, you will be given some oral medicines, which will help in balancing your hormones. Apart from this, she is also going to tell you the treatment for hair thinning

    • Get a blood test done
    • Get hormonal levels checked.
    • Find out about haemoglobin, vitamin D3, B12 deficiency and nutrition deficiencies.
    • Take a good amount of protein in your diet. Along with this, take a diet rich in elements like Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, Magnesium, Selenium, Iron, Copper, Zinc and amino acids.
    • Try to manage stress.
    • Avoid excessive use of heat-styling tools.
    • Do not tie your hair too tightly.
    • Go for PRP, Meso Hair Therapy and other treatments.

Consult a doctor for hair thinning

Let us tell you that falling out of 100 hairs in a day is a common thing, but if you notice that your hair is falling more every day then you should contact a doctor. Hairline patches and excessive hair fall can also be a serious problem. Patches of hair loss can also indicate an underlying medical condition, so you should talk to a doctor immediately.

Have you noticed how much your hair is thinning and falling out? If you are also seeing these signs, then definitely talk to the doctor and only then start any kind of medication.