Nine months of pregnancy are considered to be the most special days of any woman's life because after this a new chapter of motherhood begins in her life. At the same time, this time brings many physical and mental changes for the woman. In such a situation, these days women also have to deal with some health conditions, like many women face the problem of fatigue during pregnancy.

If we look, the problem of fatigue is common during pregnancy, but some women have to face a lot of problems due to it. Due to this, even after getting enough sleep, fatigue persists throughout the day and physical weakness is felt in such a situation, it is very important to know the reason for this. Therefore, here we are telling you the reasons for fatigue during pregnancy and ways to prevent it. We talked to Lucknow's gynecologist Dr. Sangeeta Singh about this and are sharing the information received from her with you here.

DrSangeeta Singh says that the experience of pregnancy varies according to the physical condition of every woman. But if we talk about the general situation, then most women face the problem of fatigue more during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. The reasons for fatigue can be different in both trimesters, so you have to know and understand it.

Reasons for fatigue in the first trimester

During the first trimester of pregnancy, a hormone called progesterone is produced rapidly from the ovaries and adrenal glands to prepare the body for the growth of the fetus. Even after the first trimester, this hormone plays an important role in pregnancy and the development of the child, but the speed with which this hormone is produced in the first trimester significantly reduces the energy level in the body. Due to this, the pregnant woman feels more tired and weak.

Reasons for fatigue in the third trimester

In the third trimester of pregnancy i.e. the last three months, complete development of the fetus takes place, in such a situation, due to the increase in the pregnancy, the woman faces a lot of difficulty in getting up, sitting and sleeping. Because of this one feels physical fatigue. Along with this, the rapid growth of the fetus in the third trimester requires more blood and nutrition. Since it is supplied by the body of a pregnant woman, she may feel tired.

Due to blood loss

The problem of fatigue also arises due to lack of blood during pregnancy. Many women experience a decrease in iron and red blood cells during pregnancy, due to which they feel physical weakness and fatigue. Apart from this, due to rapid changes in the body's metabolism during pregnancy, the blood pressure of the body decreases significantly, due to which women feel tired.

How to get rid of fatigue during pregnancy

Now let us talk about how one can get relief from fatigue during pregnancy. So for this, the pregnant woman will have to take full care of her eating habits and her maintenance. For this, special attention should be paid to the following things.

Try to get enough sleep

During pregnancy, sleep gets disturbed due to physical problems, but you should try to get enough sleep while facing all these problems. For example, if you have difficulty sleeping due to a baby bump, then you can use a pregnancy pillow for this.

Eat nutritious food

To overcome physical weakness and fatigue, it is important to consume nutritious food, so that the body can get adequate energy. For this, consume milk, fruits, pulses and green vegetables as much as possible.

Maintain routine

Keep your daily routine regular during pregnancy, this will give you mental energy and you will feel better. Due to a routine, all the work of the day will be done on time, due to which your anxiety and fatigue will be reduced.

In this way, by keeping some things in mind, one can get relief from fatigue during pregnancy.

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