Many farmers in the country are earning a good amount by cultivating various crops. In this episode, today we are going to tell you about the cultivation of brinjal. You can earn bumper income by cultivating this crop. Many farmers in the country are earning profits worth lakhs of rupees by cultivating brinjal. While cultivating it, it is important to keep many things in mind. If you cultivate brinjal with restraint and patience, you can earn lakhs of rupees through it. Let us know about it in detail in this episode -

Many varieties of brinjal are sold in the market. In such a situation, before cultivating this crop, first of all you have to decide which variety of brinjal you want to cultivate. The best way to find out about this is to go to your nearest market and find out which variety of brinjal is sold the most in the market.

This will give you an idea of which variety of brinjal cultivation will give you good profits. For your information, let us tell you that brinjal can be easily grown in both Kharif and Rabi seasons.

After deciding all this, you will have to plant brinjal seeds properly in your field so that the crop can be prepared well. Before planting the seeds, you have to plow the field properly.

It takes about 2 months for brinjal to be ready. If you cultivate this crop on one hectare of land, it can cost you up to Rs 4 lakh in a year. According to media reports, one hectare of land can yield up to 100 tonnes in a year.

You can earn up to Rs 10 lakh through this in a year. Whereas if you remove Rs 4 lakh of cost, your net profit will be Rs 6 lakh.

(PC: iStock)