If you have to take a sim card or open an account in a bank or take any kind of loan etc. In such a situation, the first and most important document you need is your Aadhaar card. For many other such works, it is very important to have an Aadhaar card nearby. Amidst all this, it is necessary to know one thing whether your Aadhaar card or that of your children, etc. is not fake, because some people are not deterred from doing this even for a little money. That's why it becomes necessary for you to know whether your Aadhaar card is fake or original. So let's know how you can know this. You can learn about its method in the next slides...

You can check in this way:-
Step 1

If you also want to know whether your Aadhaar card is real or fake, then you can do this
For this, you have to go to this link resident.uidai.net.in/aadhaarveification of the official website of UIDAI

Step 2
Then here the page with Aadhaar verification will open in front of you.
Here you will see a box in which you have to enter your 12 digit Aadhaar number

Step 3
Then all you have to do is fill in the given captcha code
After this, you have to click on the verify page
Now if the Aadhaar number is correct, a new page will open

Step 4
If your Aadhaar is fake, you will get an invalid Aadhaar number written in front of you.
Whereas, Aadhaar will show the Aadhaar number, age, gender, and state of the cardholder if it is correct.

(PC: iStock)