Whenever most of us come from outside, we wash our face and clean our face with a towel. This happens in all homes and is taken for granted. But do you know that this habit can land us in big trouble? When all the family members wipe their face again and again with the same towel, it becomes dirty, due to which you may get an infection. Today let us tell you about some such skin diseases, which are caused by the common use of the same towel.

Wrinkles appear before the time
Do not rub your face tightly with a towel after washing your face. By doing this, the flexibility and glow of the face end. Due to this wrinkles can start appearing on your face before time.

Prone to acne
The towels used in homes are usually not washed daily. Due to this, many bacteria and germs make their home in it. When you use that towel, those bacteria attack your face. Due to this acne occurs. That's why it would be better that you dry the towels daily in the sun for some time.

Hand dry face
After washing your face, use a handkerchief or soft towel to clean your face. This towel should be clean. If you want to avoid using towels, then clean the frozen water on the face with your hands. By doing this, the glow of the face remains.

Loss of natural moisture
We all have natural moisture on our faces. This moisture is produced due to the hormones produced in the body. If we clean the face by rubbing, then that natural moisture gets lost. That's why after washing the face it should never be rubbed too much.