image credit: health.osu

The eyes are the most important and sensitive part of our body. The eyes are so sensitive that if even a speck of dust or dirt moves, you get immediately irritated. If any dust gets on the cornea of ​​the eye, there is a risk of getting scratched in the cornea. This whole process is called corneal abrasion. The cause may be contact lenses, dust, or other small particles. What is the first thing to do if a corneal abrasion is required?

image credit: dryeyedirectory

If a corneal abrasion is not treated in time, this infection may worsen and a corneal ulcer may form. The first symptoms of a corneal abrasion include pain, blurred vision, eye pain, tearing, red eyes, and difficulty seeing in bright light.

If corneal abrasion is detected, flush your eyes immediately with water. If corneal abrasion occurs, flush the eye with clean water or saline solution. Blink your eyelids frequently so that small particles can easily pass out of your eyes.

image credit: self

Pull the upper eyelid and bring it closer to the lower eyelid so that the particles stuck in the eye also come out along with the tears. Take these steps to prevent an injury from becoming serious. If you're having serious trouble closing your eyes when particles get in your eyes, try to remove them. Do not rub your eyes if there is a wound or if particles get into the eye. Try not to touch the eye through the cotton.