Children of the present generation are worried about exams, but they give priority to mental health. However, there is pressure on them to bring good results. Many students commit suicide due to exam stress. Especially in the Kota district of Rajasthan, many children come away from home for competitive exams, but end their lives due to not living up to the expectations of their parents. Therefore flexibility and balance are being promoted in the lives of students.

There is pressure on children
In our society, children are told that if they do not score good marks in exams, they may have to lag in their career, and then their hopes of earning money will be limited. Even if this is not completely true, children are given a strong belief about this which makes them feel unwanted pressure on their minds.

How to deal with exam stress?
Nowadays many parents are pressuring and forcing their children and do not help their children in difficult times like exams. Parents will have to be open about their children and say that they can openly express their problems and cry. Famous psychologist and founder of 'Counsel India' Bobby Thakur told how exam stress can be overcome.

1. Time Management
Students should be taught how to prepare a practical study plan which also includes breaks and fun time. There should be a separate timetable for each topic. This will manage time and provide a good time for exam preparations.

2. Healthy Lifestyle
We have to understand how important a healthy lifestyle is at exam time. Motivate your children to eat healthy food, exercise, and get 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Only if you get enough sleep will you be able to manage stress.

3. Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques
Get your children to practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques, such as progressive body relaxation, deep breathing, and taking medications. With the help of these methods, anxiety can be reduced and it helps in concentration for studies.

4. Positive self-talk
Students should be trained to avoid negative talk and convert it into positive talk. Tell them that mistakes are normal and it is a part of learning and growing which helps in overcoming difficulties.

5. Seek for Support
Keep reminding students that they can take advice or support from their elders or any expert. Nowadays many schools provide counseling services especially at the time of examinations when students need extra assistance.

6. Balanced Perspective
Guide your children to write with a balanced perspective during exams, although this doesn't need to determine their success in the future. Encourage students to not just focus on exam results, but also on their efforts and progress.

(PC: Freepik)