Consumption of fruits is considered beneficial for overall health. Fruits contain abundant amounts of almost all types of nutrients necessary for the body, which is why the consumption of fruits is considered to protect against diseases and promote health. Health experts say fruits must be made a part of the daily diet. Different colored and seasonal fruits should be included in the food plate, this can help in maintaining good health. But do you know that maximum benefits from fruits can be obtained only when you consume them at the right time?

Dieticians say that it is better not to consume fruits at night. But why is it so? What is the right time to consume fruits? Let us understand this in further detail.

Consuming fruits in the morning is more beneficial
Dieticians say that most fruits contain fructose. Due to the high fructose content, the best time to eat fruits is in the morning. Your body needs plenty of energy in the morning after a night's rest. In such a situation, things containing fructose can help boost quick energy levels. Moreover, since fruits are easily digestible and broken down into vital nutrients, you should consume fruits in the morning to get the energy you need to start daily activities.

Should we eat fruit at night or not?
Health experts say that consumption of fruits should be avoided at night. After evening, our metabolism slows down, in such a situation the fruits and the nutrients present in them are not digested properly. Apart from this, consuming fruits just before sleeping at night can increase your blood sugar level, which increases the problem of affecting sleep. It is better not to eat fruits at dinner time.

Generally, you should wait for at least an hour or two after eating fruits so that your body can absorb the nutrients better.

What do experts say?
According to The National Sleep Foundation, eating certain foods before bed may interfere with sleep by slowing the body's digestive processes. Experts recommend avoiding foods containing processed sugars right before sleeping at night. Therefore, you should consume fruits during the day time. Especially by including fruits in the morning breakfast, not only the body can be given the necessary nutrition, but metabolism also remains good at this time, hence there is no problem in the digestion of fruits.