If you want to lose weight, but are unable to exercise due to laziness or lack of time, then do these 2 exercises while lying on the bed.

Easy Bed Exercises: Obesity is a big problem. It can cause many diseases. It is important to control the increasing weight in time, otherwise it can have a bad effect on your health. People try many tricks for weight loss. But, in reality, the right balance of both healthy diet and exercise is necessary to lose weight. Many people are unable to go to the gym or exercise at home due to laziness or lack of time. In such a situation, we are telling you about 2 such easy exercises, which you can do even on the bed. These reduce fat from the whole body. Yoga expert Natasha Kapoor is giving information about this. She is a certified yoga teacher.

Plank Exercise

  • You can do this easily on the bed.
  • To do this, first lie down on your stomach.
  • Keep the body in a straight line.
  • Come into plank position by applying pressure on the palms and toes.
  • Keep the body in a straight line.
  • Raise your body and hold the plank position for a while.
  • The weight of your body should be on your toes and hands.
  • You have to do this for 5 minutes every day.
  • By doing this, belly fat and arm fat is reduced.
  • This exercise is effective in reducing overall body fat.
  • This strengthens the muscles.

Reverse Crunches

  • This exercise can also be done on the bed.
  • To do this, lie down on your back on the bed.
  • Now keep your arms straight and palms facing downwards.
  • Now bend your knees at 90 degrees and lift your legs upward.
  • You should keep your thighs at 90 degrees from the floor.
  • Apply pressure on the palms and lift the hips upward.
  • Bring your knees towards your chest.
  • After this, move the hips back down.
  • Repeat it in the same manner.
  • By doing this exercise, stomach and hip fat will be reduced.
  • This also puts pressure on the thigh muscles.

By doing these 2 exercises while lying in bed, you can easily reduce the fat of the whole body. If you have any health related problem, then tell us in the comment box above the article. We will try to solve your problem through our articles.

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