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There are many such things in our kitchen which are good for our health. Dry ginger is one of them. Dry ginger acts as a healthy medicine. Drinking dry ginger milk before sleeping at night cures many health problems. Dry ginger is used in Ayurveda to get rid of diseases.

image credit: goingnuts

As soon as winter starts, people become victims of cold. In such a situation, drinking dry ginger mixed with milk before sleeping gives a lot of relief. The antiviral and antibacterial elements present in dry ginger help in fighting the cold as soon as possible. Dry ginger is a panacea for stomach problems.

image credit: indiamart

To get rid of any kind of stomach disease, just drink dry ginger mixed with milk before sleeping and you will get relief from this problem. Mix the dry ginger powder in milk and drink it before going to bed at night. Drinking this continuously for a few days will cure sore throat soon.