These days the trend of intermittent fasting has increased a lot. People do intermittent fasting to improve their insulin sensitivity and to lose weight. Surely this is a better way to make yourself healthier. During this diet, food is eaten keeping time in mind. Generally, people do 12:12 intermittent fasting. In which there is an eating window period of 12 hours, while there is fasting for 12 hours.

Generally, it is advised not to eat anything during the fasting period, but some people consume different types of drinks during fasting periods. However, there are many drinks which should not be consumed during the fasting period. So today in this article we are telling you about such drinks-

1. Milk

Many people have the habit of drinking milk before sleeping at night. But if you are doing intermittent fasting, then you should avoid drinking milk during the fasting period. Milk is a dairy product and dairy products contain calories, natural sugar and carbohydrates. Remember that if you consume more than a quarter cup of milk, it will break your fasting.

2. Coconut Water

Coconut water is considered a very healthy drink. Generally, people consume it after a workout. But if you are doing intermittent fasting then you should not drink coconut water during the fasting period. Coconut water contains simple carbohydrates, hence its consumption will break your fasting.

3. Fruit Juice

Some people feel that there is no harm in drinking fruit juice during the fasting period. These are extracted only from fruits and hence can be taken anytime. However, it should not be consumed during the fasting period during intermittent fasting. Juice contains natural sugar and its calorie count is also high. In such a situation, you are not able to balance the zero-calorie level. Let us tell you that fruit juices will also affect your blood sugar like other sweet items.

4. Diet Soda

Diet soda cans often have zero calories written on them, so most people think they can have it during fasting periods like intermittent fasting. While this is not true. Even though diet soda contains no or very few calories, it should still not be consumed during fasting periods as it triggers insulin reactions. Additionally, it also contains artificial sweeteners.

5. Protein Powder

Many people take protein powder mixed in water during intermittent fasting during the fasting period. But you should not take this drink even during the fasting period. Let us tell you that protein powder contains amino acids which increase the insulin level, which breaks your fasting period. It would be better if you take it in your window period only.

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