DRDO has announced a vacancy for the post of Apprentice. For which candidates should apply soon.

There is very good news for the candidates who want to get a job in DRDO. DRDO has issued a notification for recruitment to more than 50 posts. Candidates should apply for this campaign soon.

Through this recruitment drive, 60 ITI apprentice posts will be filled in DRDO. Which includes posts like Engineer, Draftsman etc.

The candidate applying for recruitment must have passed ITI as per the post. Besides, other important eligibility criteria are also required to be fulfilled.

The age of the candidates applying should be between 18 years to 27 years.

Selected candidates will get a stipend of Rs 8050.

The last date to apply has been fixed as April 12, 2024. Candidates can apply by visiting the official site drdo.gov.in.