The deteriorating health of the heart is the most talked about topic at present. People are becoming victims of heart disease at an early age. Cases like heart attack and cardiac arrest have increased rapidly. Health experts say this risk has increased due to disturbances in lifestyle and diet. The adverse conditions of the corona pandemic and the side effects of the virus have also affected the functions of the heart.

Health experts say lack of nutrition in the diet is also a threat to the rising incidence of heart diseases. Most people's diets do not have enough nutrients that are considered essential for the heart. Apart from this, the excess of salt and sugar in the diet can increase blood pressure and complications related to heart health. Diet has a special role in keeping the heart healthy.

Role of diet
Health experts say junk-fast foods, impurities in edible oil and excess sodium can increase problems for the heart. Researchers found that adopting a plant-based diet and diet plans such as the DASH diet can help keep the heart healthy. The two nutrients considered most essential are potassium and magnesium. Everyone must make sure to consume things rich in these nutrients in their food.

Potassium keeps your arteries healthy
Potassium is an essential mineral for your body that helps nerves and muscles function optimally. Studies have found that foods containing potassium can help prevent hardening of the arteries. Hardening and narrowing of the arteries obstruct the flow of blood to the heart, which causes serious heart problems.

Potassium-rich foods are beneficial in lowering blood pressure, stabilizing heart rhythm, and reducing the risk of cardiac arrest. Dried fruits (raisins, apricots), lentils, potatoes, spinach, broccoli, avocado, and bananas are rich in potassium.

Magnesium relaxes the heart muscle
Magnesium has been found in studies to help regulate your heartbeat. Researchers have found that magnesium helps relax the heart muscle so that your heart can beat properly. Apart from this, it also helps in the circulation of potassium and sodium in the cell membranes, which helps in maintaining the heart rate and overall heart health.

Whole grains, nuts (almonds, cashews, pistachios, peanuts, and walnuts), and leafy vegetables are rich in this nutrient. Do include them in the diet.

(PC: Freepik)