Summer has started. As time passes, the heat will also increase. In the summer many times problems related to the stomach start troubling. Abdominal pain, indigestion and acidity are common in these. Even so, we often have to face the problem of acidity due to wrong eating habits. To get rid of acidity, it is advised to adopt many home remedies which are also beneficial. Many times people eat antacid tablets to get instant relief from acidity but this is not good for our health. Of course, by eating antacids, you feel relief from acidity problems in a short time, but eating antacids for a long time can also cause much damage to the body, about which celebrity nutritionist MunmunGaneriwal has given information on her Instagram account. Let's know about this.

Antacid is dangerous

When acid builds up in the stomach, most people want to get rid of it immediately and for this consider antacids as the best option. But in reality, antacids only provide relief to your symptoms for a short time, in the long run, they can increase the reverse problem. Sometimes it is not wrong to take a limited amount of antacid when there is a problem of acidity, but if you eat it for a long time then it can cause you many problems. Consumption of antacids for a long time has a wrong effect on our digestive system, so antacids should be consumed thoughtfully and within limits.

What are the disadvantages?

The acid produced in the stomach plays an important role in digesting our food properly. Stomach acid is essential for the proper digestion of food, proper absorption of essential nutrients (such as vitamin B12) from food, and protection of the gut from harmful viruses and bacteria. Long-term use of antacids depletes stomach acid, making you more prone to indigestion, gas, bloating, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, autoimmune conditions, anaemia, and vitamin B12 and vitamin C deficiencies. That's why antacids should not be used for a long time at all.

What should be done?

  • To remove acidity, instead of eating antacids, you should improve your eating habits.
  • Rich food, fried-roasted and outside food should be avoided.
  • More and more fruits and vegetables should be included in the diet.

  • Must eat coconut water, buttermilk and seasonal fruits in the summer season.
  • Instead of trying to get rid of acidity symptoms immediately, you should understand its causes and change your diet and lifestyle accordingly.
  • Drink water at the right time and in the right quantity.


Your skin and body are as different as you are. We endeavour to bring you correct, safe and expert-verified information through our articles and social media handles, but still, you must consult your doctor before trying any home remedy, hack or fitness tip.