People adopt many methods to stay fit. The most preferred method is to walk. This is a great exercise for people of all ages. The walk is considered a complete physical activity which works to provide many benefits to the body. This will not only keep your body toned but also make you feel fresh throughout the day. But many people, being unaware of the rules of walking, commit such mistakes which cause harm to health instead of benefits. Today we are going to give you important information related to walking which is very important to pay attention to. Let's know about them...

Wear comfortable shoes
What matters is the type of shoes you are wearing while walking. Your shoes should be comfortable while walking so that there is no problem while walking. Keep in mind that the shoes should neither be tight nor too loose. The ones chosen for walking should be such that the feet can be easily rotated in them. Many times people wear running shoes even while walking, the sole of the shoes used while running is thick, due to which you have to work harder.

Schedule a walk
It is often seen that some people walk only for 10 to 15 minutes. For good health, one should walk for 30 to 45 minutes. With this, your health will be maintained as well as the body will also be curvy. However, everyone has their own physical abilities according to which any exercise should be chosen. Choose the time and speed of walking according to your ability and not influenced by anyone.

Do warm up
Do warm up before the walk. This increases blood circulation in the muscles. This also reduces the risk of muscle injury.