There will hardly be any house in India where milk and turmeric are not consumed. Milk is called a complete food because almost all types of nutrients are found in it. On the other hand, turmeric is used more as a spice, but whenever there is a problem of injury or swelling, then turmeric is used as a home remedy because its healing power is good. There is a lot of trend of drinking turmeric and milk together, there is no doubt that it is a drink full of medicinal properties, but it can also cause harm.

Disadvantages of drinking turmeric and milk together
Abstinence is important in pregnancy

The effect of turmeric is hot, so it creates heat in the stomach. Pregnant women should avoid it because it can cause miscarriage.

Liver weakness
Drinking turmeric milk can cause a lot of damage to the liver because things with hot effects are not good for this important organ. When the liver is weak, the body also becomes helpless in many ways.

Abdominal discomfort
If you consume more than one teaspoon of turmeric in a day, then it will cause problems related to the stomach. Turmeric milk should not be drunk by those people who have a stone problem. The oxalate present in this spice does not allow calcium to dissolve, which causes kidney stone problems. Turmeric should be consumed to a minimum, especially in the summer season.

Problems with diabetes
Diabetes patients have to pay special attention to their food and drink, otherwise, their blood sugar level increases and all kinds of problems start arising. Turmeric is also considered harmful for diabetic patients because eating it increases the risk of bleeding from the nose.