To take care of your lips, make and use lip scrub with the help of Mouthwatering on hearing the name of chocolate. Not only children, but adults also love to eat chocolate. Chocolate is not less than a treat for the sweet lover, but it takes care of your skin equally well. This is the reason why it is used in most beauty products. Not only this but many excellent skin products are also prepared at home with the help of chocolate.

Since it is winter season now, the dryness in the lips increases a lot. But before applying lip balm you must scrub the lips. Due to this, the dead skin cells of the lips are removed and then the lips look softer. So, today in this article, we are telling you about the methods of making lip scrub at home with the help of chocolate-

Make lip scrub with cocoa powder and olive oil

It is very easy to make lip scrubs in this way. Prepare it with the help of cocoa powder, sugar and olive oil.

Necessary Ingredients-

  • 3 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3/4 tsp honey

Method of making lip scrub-

  1. To make lip scrub, first put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
  2. Now keep this mixture in an airtight container and store it in the fridge.
  3. Now apply a small amount of lip scrub on the lips and massage the lips with very light hands.
  4. Now you leave it like this for a minute. After that, wipe it off with a soft damp cloth.
  5. You can apply it once or twice a week.

Make lip scrub with chocolate and coconut oil

A great lip scrub can also be prepared with the help of chocolate and coconut oil.

Necessary ingredients-

  • 2 pieces of chocolate
  • one teaspoon of coconut oil
  • 1 tsp coffee powder
  • a teaspoon of sugar

Method of making lip scrub-

  1. First of all, add coconut oil and chocolate in a spoon.
  2. Now turn on the gas and let it melt.
  3. When the chocolate starts melting, add coffee powder and sugar to it. Let it heat up for two to three minutes.
  4. Now turn off the gas. Your chocolate lip scrub is ready.
  5. Now you can easily use it on your lips.

Make lip scrub with cocoa powder and brown sugar

If you want to prepare lip scrub with the help of very less ingredients, then consider making this lip scrub.

Necessary ingredients-

  • 3 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1 1/2 cups brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 1/3 cup grape seed oil

Method of making lip scrub-

  1. To make lip scrub, take a bowl and mix all the ingredients.
  2. Now put it in an airtight container.
  3. Now take lip scrub as required and apply it on your lips. Store leftover lip scrub in the fridge.
  4. After this, massage your lips with very light hands and leave them like this for two minutes.
  5. Finally, clean this scrub with the help of a wet soft cloth.
  6. So now you too can make lip scrub like this with the help of chocolate and make your lips more soft and smooth.

Image Credit – freepik


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