The period is a normal process that occurs every month in women. Period days are difficult for women. These days, some women have more pain and some have less pain. Apart from this, there are many problems like indigestion, cramps, bloating and many more. Most women try to tolerate the pain during periods. But these days it is not right to have excessive pain. If you have a lot of pain every month during periods, then definitely take medical advice. Many home remedies and foods are effective in reducing mild pain during period days.

Today we are going to tell you about 4 such things. If you include these 4 things told by the expert in the diet, then there will be relief in the pain of periods. Dietician Radhika Goyal is giving information about this. Radhika Goyal is a Certified Dietician and Nutritionist. For the past several years, she has been helping people improve their health through diet and lifestyle changes.


To reduce the pain during period days, include watermelon in the diet. Often women have the problem of flatulence these days, watermelon gives relief in it. This reduces bloating and also reduces inflammation in the body.


Beetroot is very good for your health. Women often feel tired and weak during periods. At the same time, bleeding during these days can also cause anaemia in the body. In this case, consume beetroot. Beetroot provides energy to the body and folic acid and iron present in it cures anemia.


Experts recommend drinking lemon water during periods. Lemon contains vitamin C. This helps in the formation of red blood cells. Along with this, immunity is also boosted. To some extent, it also provides relief from cramps. It also protects against mood swings and weakness.


Consuming ginger can help in reducing bloating and cramps to a great extent. Ginger contains gingerol, which helps reduce inflammation in the body. It also reduces pain by helping with hormonal balance.

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