Monsoon brings relief to all after the hot summer. But the monsoon season also brings with it the risk of many diseases. Many changes should be made in the diet during the rainy season. To stay healthy in this season, some things should be avoided from the diet. Health experts recommend staying away from green leafy vegetables in this season. But what is the reason behind this? Why green leafy vegetables which are considered beneficial for health are not allowed to be eaten in the rain? Should we not eat green leafy vegetables in monsoon? Know about this from the experts. Dietician Radhika Goyal is giving this information. Radhika ji is a certified dietician and nutritionist.

Should not eat green leafy vegetables in monsoon?

According to experts, green leafy vegetables are rich in nutrition. But if you eat them in monsoon, then you should be very careful and eat them in limit only. According to experts, there is no need to leave them completely, but eat green leafy vegetables in the limit in the rain and take special care of some things.

Why should not eat green leafy vegetables in monsoon?

Green leafy vegetables are in more contact with the ground. For this reason, it comes in contact with water more and due to this, the possibility of contamination due to bacterial and viral infection remains high. If you cook them without washing them properly, they can grow fungal spores and cause foodborne illnesses. Pesticide residues can be high in this green leafy vegetable grown in monsoon. Green vegetables can also cause digestion and gas problems during monsoon. Green leafy vegetables are more prone to spoilage in monsoon, thus making them difficult to store.

Follow these tips while eating green leafy vegetables in monsoon

It is necessary to clean green leafy vegetables properly before eating them in the rain. Along with this, they should also be bought fresh from the market and should be cooked and eaten fresh. Do not eat them raw at all. If you want, with the help of indoor gardening, you can also grow some vegetables at home. If you are storing green leafy vegetables, keep them in the refrigerator and keep them away from excess moisture.

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