With increasing age, many types of changes are seen in the body. Many types of diseases start affecting the face and wrinkles start appearing on the face. Although some people look young for a long time, some look old before their age. This happens only due to lifestyle habits.

It is difficult to stop ageing, but it can be slowed down by changing some habits. If you also want to look young and healthy for a long time, then definitely adopt these. Maternal and child nutritionist Dr. Ramita Kaur is telling us about these.

Experts say, “Although ageing is a natural process, it is difficult to reduce wrinkles and fine lines.” Therefore, to prevent this, you have to include 7 habits in your routine.

Habit No. 1 – Eat Nuts

Start your day every day with 5 almonds and 2 walnuts soaked in water overnight. Walnut is a dry fruit which is delicious and rich in nutrients. Eating this improves health and brings a glow to the face. The antioxidants present in walnuts slow down the ageing process by getting rid of free radicals. Apart from this, the Vitamin E and Omega-3 fatty acids present in it make the skin soft.

Almonds contain Vitamin E. Eating provides anti-oxidants, which protect against damage caused by free radicals. Eating almonds daily helps in getting rid of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots and dark circles.

Habit number: 2- Antioxidant-rich breakfast

Include a bowl full of anti-oxidants in breakfast. Learn about how to make it-

Ingredients required

  • Ripe banana – 1 small
  • Pomegranate - half
  • Almonds- 6
  • Flax seed powder- 1 tsp
  • Chia seeds- 5 grams
  • Cocoa powder- 1/2 tsp
  • Nutmeg powder- 1 pinch
  • Turmeric powder- 1 pinch
  • Cinnamon- 1 pinch
  • Water- 100 ml

Method to prepare

  • To make milk, first mix almonds, banana, cocoa powder, turmeric, nutmeg, cinnamon and water well.
  • Put chia seeds in milk and keep it in the refrigerator overnight.
  • In the morning, add 1 teaspoon of pumpkin seeds and half a pomegranate to it.
  • Then sprinkle a pinch of cocoa powder on top.
  • Your anti-oxidant drink is ready.

Habit number: 3- Foods rich in Vitamin C

Vitamin C is needed in the body to make the skin young and beautiful. If there is a deficiency of Vitamin C in the body, then many other problems start appearing on your skin along with wrinkles. Therefore, include foods rich in Vitamin C like oranges, kiwis, berries etc. in your diet. Its consumption helps in collagen production, which tightens the skin.

Habit number: 4- Matcha drink

Eat 1 teaspoon of pumpkin seeds with a cup of matcha drink in the evening. Matcha drink is rich in antioxidants, which prevent wrinkles. Drinking it daily also prevents the problem of acne and dark spots. Also, pumpkin seeds keep the skin young. The enzymes found in it reduce the looseness of the skin.

Pumpkin seeds, rich in Vitamin C, contain beta carotene, which protects the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Apart from this, eating pumpkin seeds tones the skin and also improves elasticity.

Habit number: 5- Water

Drink at least 3 liters of water daily. Water is considered the best anti-ageing. Also, it increases blood circulation in the skin. Water keeps the body hydrated and fresh and maintains the elasticity of the skin.

People who drink adequate amounts of water are less likely to develop spots, wrinkles and fine lines and signs of ageing do not appear quickly. Drinking water detoxifies the body and keeps the skin healthy.

Habit number: 6- Face massage

Before sleeping at night, do a face-lifting massage with 4 to 5 drops of argan oil. Massaging the face improves blood circulation. Massaging the face slowly increases blood flow in the skin. Due to increased circulation, skin cells get the necessary oxygen and nutrients. Apart from this, the body detoxes. This brings a glow to the face and also makes the skin look younger.

Apart from Vitamin-A and Vitamin-E, Argan oil contains linoleic acid, omega-6, anti-oxidants and minerals, which also protect the skin from harmful rays. The skin absorbs argan oil well.

Habit number: 7-Enough sleep

Not getting good sleep increases stress and untimely wrinkles start appearing on the face. Therefore, do not compromise on sleep at all and get a good sleep of 7 to 8 hours at night. When we sleep deeply, body repair takes place. The skin also heals while sleeping at night.

By adopting these habits, you too can delay ageing by many years.

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