Diabetes patients mostly control their diet (Diet-Exercise) and make lifestyle changes. Along with this, medicines are also consumed. But still, their fasting blood sugar level remains high (Control Blood Sugar Level). Your lack of sleep is also responsible for high fasting blood sugar. Too little or too much sleep disrupts the metabolic function of the body. In such a situation, people who walk regularly in the morning, take regular medicines and take a healthy (Home Remedy Control Diabetes) diet, yet their fasting blood sugar always remains between 150-160. Work stress and less night's sleep can make your fasting blood sugar high (High Fasting Blood Sugar). Let us know how lack of sleep keeps fasting blood sugar high despite diet, exercise and walking.

Sleep Deprivation Effects On Diabetes
According to much research, people who sleep less have a higher risk of developing insulin resistance, pre-diabetes and diabetes. Apart from this, young people who sleep less than seven hours a day are 40 per cent more likely to develop diabetes than those who sleep well. Along with this, people who already have diabetes and who do not take sleep, their diabetes is not under control.

Lack of sleep stimulates a hormone called ghrelin, due to which you feel more hungry than normal and leptin decreases. This hormone signals satiety and this increases the craving for food. In such a situation, weight increases and later there is an increase in the level of blood sugar. Apart from this, staying awake at night causes hunger at night.

Follow these measures for good sleep
Try to sleep and wake up at the same time every day.
Read a book or listen to music before going to bed.
Bathing with hot water in the evening also helps in sleeping easily.

Keep the lights off and keep the room temperature comfortable.
Do not use the bed for eating or working
Set it in your mind that going to bed means sleeping.
Avoid watching screens at least 30 minutes before sleeping.
Apart from this, avoid talking on the phone before sleeping.
Do not consume alcohol at night as it can affect your breathing during sleep. Apart from this, the consumption of alcohol can affect the quality of your sleep.
Avoid heavy meals late at night, as eating late can lead to reflux acidity and high blood sugar levels overnight.