A little bickering is considered necessary to maintain a healthy relationship, but when these fights start happening regularly, then this relationship has a very bad effect not only on you but also on your family members and especially the children. Is. Which they bear throughout their life. The dispute between you can affect their personal and social life in different ways. Therefore, as much as possible, avoid activities like fighting, abusing, insulting each other in front of children, otherwise the children will also do the same in future. Let us know how the daily fights at home affect children.

behavior problems

People do things like being violent during fights, blaming each other, lying, using abusive words , so the child learns all these things even if he does not want to. He doesn't see any harm in beating or abusing. In childhood, they do this with people of their age and after growing up, they do this with their partners. Parents are solely responsible for this type of behaviour.

mental problems

Studies show that children in homes where parents fight frequently are more likely to have problems like attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), eating disorders, depression, mood swings, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The possibility is very high. The daily environment at home has a deep impact on a child's mind. Not only this, he can also become a victim of depression in childhood. Many children also suffer from anxiety attacks.

eating disorder

Children can also become victims of eating disorders due to daily fights at home . In which either they do not feel hungry, do not feel like eating or they have no control over eating and drinking. However, there are more chances of not feeling hungry. Although this eating disorder is quite common in children, both the disorders are dangerous for the child. Eating less can lead to lack of nutrition in the body, while eating too much can lead to the problem of obesity. Which can cause many other health related problems.

smoking consumption

The atmosphere of conflict at home can also push children towards smoking. Children feel that all these things can calm down the anger and pain growing inside them. They get addicted to these things right from childhood which can spoil their entire life. It has a bad effect not only on the body but also on the mind.

poor performance in school

If your child remains angry and stressed all the time at home, then it affects his studies also. He is unable to focus on his studies and career. His development also becomes slow compared to other children. This is also a different kind of stress. All this has a negative impact on children.

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