Diabetes is a chronic disease, that can never be cured, it can only be controlled. This disease occurs when the body is unable to produce insulin properly to absorb the glucose present in the blood. This disease is usually the result of a poor lifestyle. However, genetic factors are also responsible for this.

According to the latest data from ICMR, 101 lakh Indians are suffering from diabetes, which is a matter of serious concern. However, this disease can be controlled with medicines, exercise, and healthy lifestyle habits. But some Indian spices also prove to be effectively beneficial for this.

Ginger is very helpful for type 2 diabetes patients. Research published by the National Institute of Health shows that ginger has anti-diabetic properties. In such a situation, ginger proves to be very effective in controlling hyperinsulinemia in patients with T2DM. Apart from this, ginger also prevents problems related to the liver, kidney, and nervous system in patients with T2DM.

Garlic helps very effectively in managing blood sugar, total cholesterol, and lipoprotein. This is due to allicin (a bioactive compound) found in garlic which affects the pancreatic beta cells and helps in releasing insulin.

Cinnamon is also very effective in controlling sugar in diabetes. According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, people who consumed up to 1 gram of cinnamon for 12 weeks recorded a reduction in fasting blood sugar levels and improvement in oxidative stress in patients with diabetes type 2.

Fenugreek seeds contain soluble fiber that lowers blood sugar and increases insulin sensitivity. Moreover, fenugreek is a good food for diabetic patients as it contains chemicals like galactomannan and Trigonella which reduce insulin resistance.

Clove is a spice full of antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and digestion health benefits for diabetic patients. It also helps in controlling blood sugar levels and is known to promote insulin production.

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