Sinus Problem: Sometimes the cause of ear pain and throat problems can also be due to sinus-related reasons.

Sinus Problem: People often get cold and cold in the changing season. Many times people take it otherwise but this method is not correct every time. Many times people also say that there is a problem with the sinuses. Because of this, they keep taking different types of medicines at their discretion and do not seek medical advice. The result is that instead of reducing the problem, it increases.

According to an expert to avoid infection in this changing season, it is necessary to keep the body warm and along with it, rest is also necessary. When there is heat in the body, that energy will be used to fight bacteria instead of controlling body temperature. To keep the body warm, consume substances with hot effects in a balanced quantity. Take the steam of water-containing medicine only when there is a lot of runny nose due to a cold or there is a problem due to it. Taking steam with normal water is also beneficial. Medical consultation should be taken even before taking steam after adding medicine.

As far as the sinuses are concerned, there are air-filled cavities in the face around the nose. The function of these cavities is to air condition the air coming inside the nose. It is necessary to have a sinus for this work. If there is an obstruction in the nostrils, then the infection in the sinuses will result in germs or fungus. If the infection reaches the sinuses from the nose, it is called sinusitis. If the sinusitis persists for more days, the problem may increase.

Having a sinus is not a problem, it is just a design. Infection in it is the cause of the problem. If you do not get relief from a cold and cough even in 3 to 4 days, then consult a nose, ear, and throat specialist. Sometimes the cause of ear pain, and throat problems can also be due to sinus-related reasons. Putting any kind of medicine or oil without medical advice can increase the problem even more if there is a problem in the ear.