The person who has diabetes is first advised to leave sugar because sweet things are no less than a jugger for diabetic patients. Eating sweet food immediately increases the blood sugar level. In such a situation, the risk of many other diseases also arises. People who like tea, if they suddenly have to drink it without sugar, then it is not easy, in such a situation, what option do they have?

Add jaggery instead of sugar in tea
Ayushi Yadav, a famous dietician working at GIMS Hospital in Greater Noida, told that if diabetes patients want to sweeten tea, then do not mix sugar at all, use jaggery instead. By doing this, your craving for sweets will reduce and there will be no bad effect on your health.

Benefits of drinking jaggery tea in diabetes
If you drink jaggery tea instead of sugar the condition diabetes, then you can get health benefits in many ways.
By doing this, your blood sugar level will not be uncontrolled, which will reduce the risk of many other diseases.
Drinking jaggery tea will increase your immunity and boosting immunity reduces the risk of infectious diseases.
If you drink jaggery instead of sugar in tea, then obesity will start reducing gradually.
If there is a lack of blood in the body, then jaggery tea must be drunk, it gives relief to anemia.
Drinking tea with jaggery helps in digestion and also removes the fear of an upset stomach.
This will make you feel energetic.

Drinking jaggery tea will be very beneficial even in cold and flu. This cures sore throat.
Drinking jaggery tea removes toxins from the body and the skin glows.
People who have migraine problems must drink jaggery tea.