If there is a problem with high blood sugar, then you must do an easy diet. This asana will regulate insulin in the blood like a medicine for diabetes and gradually the sugar level will become normal. According to Diabetes.co.uk, yoga postures are very beneficial for the body and also activate the test bud. The asana we are going to tell you about here increases the production of insulin and helps in controlling blood sugar. helps. Overall, this yoga helps in keeping diabetes under control. Let us know which yogasanas you should do-

Chew this vegetable raw as soon as blood sugar becomes high, this is a panacea to control diabetes

Diabetes will be controlled by downward breathing
Many types of yoga can prove beneficial to control diabetes. Let us know what is the right way to do downward breathing and what are its benefits.

Learn the right way to do downward-facing breathing
First of all, sit on your knees on the yoga mat.
Now spread the hands parallel to the shoulders and rest the palms of the hands on the floor.
After this, keep your feet completely pressed on the mat. Then, while straightening the knees, slowly raise the hips towards the sky.
Place your head between your hands and bend down to look at your ankles.
At this time your body will be in the shape of a V.
Keep breathing deeply in this asana for some time.
In the beginning, you may have difficulty doing this asana. But after getting used to it, this asana can be done for a long time.