Side Effects of WFH: There have been many changes in our lifestyle since the Corona epidemic. Along with personal life, due to this epidemic, there have been many changes in the professional life of people. Since the Corona epidemic, the culture of working from home had become very popular all over the world, especially in India. Even today many offices and companies are working on work-from-home or hybrid models.

However, due to continuous work from home, there are many disadvantages to our health, ignoring which can be harmful to our health. Due to working from home, people keep sitting in one place for many hours continuously, which can lead to problems related to bones, muscles and joints. If you are also one of those people, who are continuously doing work from home, then today we will tell you about some of the disadvantages caused by it-

Lack of physical activity
Due to working from home, people sit at desks or sofas for a long time, due to which there is often a lack of physical activity. Thus, a lack of physical activity can lead to various health problems including weak bones.

Lack of sunlight
Due to working from home, people stay inside the house for a long time. In such a situation, they are unable to come in contact with sunlight, which is important for the production of vitamin D. In such a situation, bone health is affected by the lack of vitamin D.

Poor ergonomics
Some people do not have a proper office setup to work from home, due to which they sit in bad and wrong positions. This puts pressure on the bones and muscles.

The spinal cord is affected
Incorrect sitting position, especially when sitting in a chair, can adversely affect the spine and increase the pressure on the intervertebral discs. Over time, this can lead to back pain and other spinal problems.

Decreased bone density
Due to working from home for a long time, there is a decrease in physical activities. In this case, bone density may decrease and the risk of osteoporosis may increase.