When dirt accumulates on the body from the outside, we clean it so that our body remains beautiful and clean. It is also very important to clean the dirt present inside the body. Due to wrong eating habits, irregular lifestyle and many other reasons, dirt accumulates inside our body, without cleaning which the body is not able to function properly. The process of cleaning the body from the inside is called the detox process. If we do not clean this waste accumulated inside the body at the right time, then the body is not able to function properly and its symptoms are visible.

Detox diet plans are considered good for detoxing the body. To remove all the toxins accumulated in the body and clean it from the inside, it is very important to take the right diet at the right time. In everyday life, we eat many such things due to which toxins increase in our body, they can be removed from a detox diet.

Dietician Radhika Goyal has given information about this on her Instagram account. Let's know.

This is a detox diet plan

  • Drink lemonade with honey on an empty stomach. Do not heat honey. Lemon is considered very good for detoxing the body.
  • Eat sprouts salad for breakfast. Onion, tomato, cucumber, cucumber and some leafy things can also be included in the salad.
  • You take vegetable juice in the mid-meal. You can drink the juice of green leafy vegetables, beetroot, bottled gourd or similar other healthy vegetables. Eat two soaked walnuts with it.
  • Eat a bowl of moong dal khichdi for lunch. Do take curd along with it.
  • Eat roasted gram as a snack with green tea in the evening.
  • Have tomato and beetroot juice for dinner.
  • Must drink fennel water after dinner.

Keep this in mind

This diet is great for detoxing your body. Along with this, keep yourself hydrated. Drink at least 3-4 liters of water a day. Include only homemade food in your diet. Avoid outside food. Do not eliminate any food group from your diet. Along with what you are eating, in what quantity and at what time you are eating it also matters.

Note- Before starting any new diet, take the advice of your doctor or expert once.

Image Courtesy- Freepik