At present, the system of transactions has become easy with the digital payment system. This has given a new dimension to the country's economy. In the modern era, most of us use debit and credit cards for any payment, but these cards also have many types. These cards have many uses and many benefits. However, many times the cards of customers become the target of hackers. Therefore you must be very cautious while using a debit card. In this news, we are telling you some such tips.

Take care of these things
The most important thing to use a debit card is its PIN. No one should ever save the PIN code in their mobile phone or anyone's phone. Remembering the PIN is the best way. We all should know this. Let us tell you that banks do not ask for PINs from customers for any service.

If anyone asks you for your PIN on the call, then understand that he may be a fraudster. Therefore, do not tell your PIN to anyone even by mistake. The same thing applies to your debit card CVV. The CVV number is three digits on the back side. CVV is used to transfer money online.

These days, hackers steal many small amounts from many accounts instead of a large amount from a single account. Due to this, fraud remains undetected for a long time. If any unknown transaction appears in your bank statement, you should immediately inform the bank about it.

If your card is lost or stolen, you should also be alert. Fraud can be committed using the card. In such a situation, if the card is lost, inform the bank on your registered mobile phone. If you receive any such message, that is not in your knowledge, then immediately inform the bank.

You should use your card only at trusted merchants or websites. Similarly, you should not trust strangers to withdraw money or make payments. Do not let anyone see your PIN while entering the PIN at the outlet. Along with this, swipe your debit card on the POS machine yourself. Do not give it to someone else to swipe.