What do you not do to enhance the beauty of your face? But during this time you sit ignoring the back, due to which it is not cleaned properly and dead skin starts accumulating. It becomes even more in winter when it becomes very difficult to clean the dirt from the back and blackness starts coming. If you want to take adequate care of your back like other parts of your skin, then you can use homemade scrubs. Today, in this episode, we are going to give you information about some back scrubs made from natural ingredients, the use of which will help in removing the frozen dead skin on the back. Let's know about these scrubs...

Oatmeal Back Scrub
A back scrub can also be prepared with the help of oatmeal and coffee. For this, you first grind the oatmeal coarsely. Now mix two cups of oatmeal, coffee grinds, and brown sugar. Now, add a few spoons of honey and olive oil to it. Now you can use this scrub to remove dead skin cells on the back.

Sandalwood back scrub
Sandalwood has been used for a long time to enhance the beauty of the skin. It is considered very good for skin care. For this, sandalwood powder, rose water, flour, and milk will be required. Mix all the ingredients well. Then apply on your back and scrub it will help you to remove dead skin.

Papaya Back Scrub
An excellent back scrub can also be made with the help of papaya. For this, you will need 1/2 cup sea salt, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/4 cup sunflower oil, lemon juice, 2 tablespoons pure papaya, and a few drops of essential oil. Mix all these ingredients in a bowl. Afterward, you can exfoliate your back while in the shower with this homemade scrub.

Orange peel-back scrub
These days oranges are available in plenty in the market. In such a situation, orange peels can help you a lot. It is very good for those with oily skin. For this, you will need orange peel powder, lemon juice, rose water, and rice flour. For this, mix all the ingredients well and then rub them on your back. Later clean the back with lukewarm water. Later apply moisturizing cream.

Lemon Back Scrub
To prepare this back scrub, mix some lemon juice and a few drops of olive oil in Epsom salt. Your back scrub is ready. Apply it on your back and rub it very lightly. This will help in removing dead skin cells as well as improving the complexion of your back. If you want, you can also add some herbs like lavender, thyme, or rosemary to this back scrub.

Rose back scrub
Rose is used very often for skin care and in this case, you can also use it to make a scrub. For this, dry and crush leaves of 1 rose, 2 teaspoons rose water, 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice, and 2 teaspoons gram flour, and mix all these ingredients to make a paste consistency. Keep in mind that it should not be too thin or thick. You have to rub it well on your back and then clean it. You can also apply rose water and lemon juice on your back as a mask. This scrub will give a lot of relief in dead skin, acne, and the blackness of the back.

Sea Salt Back Scrub
A back scrub can be made with the help of sea salt and olive oil. For this, take 1 cup of sea salt and mix half a cup of olive oil in it. Finally, you mix a few drops of essential oil in it. Now use this paste to scrub your back. You scrub while massaging the back with light hands.

Tomato Back Scrub
Tomato can prove to be the most effective way of exfoliating your skin. It is good not only for the face but also for the back. Pulp of 1 tomato, 2 teaspoons coarsely ground sugar, and 2 teaspoons milk, these three ingredients mixed can make a very effective scrub. All you have to do is mix all three ingredients and rub them on your back. Leave it to dry after rubbing and then take a bath.