Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, different strains of SARS-CoV-2 have shown different symptoms. Recognizing their symptoms has been a challenging task for doctors. While the alpha and delta variants wreaked havoc, the symptoms of the Omicron variant were mild. When the pandemic started, fever, cough, loss of taste and smell, and chest pain were some of the common symptoms. Fever is a common symptom of many diseases. The loss of smell and taste was considered a symptom of Covid. But after vaccination and the introduction of the Omicron variant, most of the symptoms of the disease mimic those of the flu. Sore throat, runny nose, headache, and fatigue.

According to many reports, currently, apart from these symptoms there is one more symptom that has become common. That is myalgia or muscle pain. According to the Zoe Covid Study app, myalgia is now a top Covid symptom. Earlier it was believed to be an early symptom of coronavirus. Let us tell you that this app has been monitoring the symptoms of Covid-19 since the beginning.

Coronavirus outbreak new Covid-19 symptoms you should know NTP
What is myalgia?

Myalgia is muscle pain. You can feel the sensation of sore muscles. As you feel after exercising after a long time. The report states that to combat the virus, the immune cell releases inflammatory molecules that cause muscle pain. You may feel pain mainly in the shoulders and legs. In severe cases, it can be very bothersome. You will be in so much pain that you cannot even do your daily routine.

Myalgia considered a major symptom after the arrival of Omicron in 2021
According to news reports, South African doctor Angelique Coetzee, who first discovered the Omicron variant, said that myalgia may affect more people who are unvaccinated. But those who have got the vaccine can feel it. When Omicron emerged in 2021, myalgia was considered a major symptom.