People often eat hot corn during the rainy season. Some people eat it from the market while some people fry it at home. Not only does it taste good, it is also beneficial for health. But one part of the corn which we always throw away considering it as waste is the silk thread attached to it. We know it as corn silk. Do not make the mistake of considering it as waste. It has many more benefits than corn. You can make tea and drink it. Let us know from experts what the benefits of drinking corn silk tea are.

Benefits of drinking corn silk tea

Helpful in weight loss

If you are looking for a drink for weight loss then you should drink Corn Silk Tea. Corn silk is very low in calories and rich in dietary fibre. Because of this, it can help you feel full for a long time. This prevents you from overeating.

Relief from UTI problem

UTI can be treated with corn silk. Its corn silk extract works as a powerful diuretic, making you urinate more. Increased urination can prevent the formation of bacteria.

Beneficial in kidney stones

As corn silk extract works as a powerful diuretic, it increases urine flow and reduces the chances of accumulation of waste in the kidneys, thereby eliminating the possibility of kidney stones. This tea is also beneficial for those who have kidney stone problems.

Beneficial in digestion and diabetes

Corn silk has high dietary fibre content which helps in maintaining proper digestion by promoting bowel movement. If those who have diabetes drink this tea, it activates the insulin present in the body and keeps the sugar level under control.

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