For all the parts of the body to function well and remain healthy, it is necessary that oxygen circulation continues to happen properly. Lungs play an important role in this. However, over time, due to deteriorating lifestyle of people, problems in eating and drinking, the risk of many lung-related diseases is increasing.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one such problem, about which health experts alert about the increasing risks. Data shows that its diagnosis has also increased rapidly in people under the age of 40.

According to the data of the year 2020, there were an estimated 480 million (48 crores) cases of COPD worldwide, which is about 10.6% of the global population. Apart from this, this disease causes the death of millions of people every year. In the year 2019, 3.23 million (32.3 lakh) people also died from it.

Let us know what are the causes of COPD and what can be done to prevent it?

Third biggest cause of death worldwide

According to the report of the World Health Organization (WHO), COPD is the third biggest cause of death worldwide. More than 70% of COPD cases are caused by tobacco smoking. COPD is a lung-damaging disease, in which inflammation and irritation starts inside the airways. Due to this disease, the flow of air in the lungs is also obstructed.

Studies show that prolonged exposure to smoke, dust or chemicals significantly increases the risk of COPD disease. If this disease is not detected or treated on time, there can be a risk of serious complications and even death.

How to know if you have this disease?

The symptoms of COPD usually do not appear until the lungs are severely damaged. However, by paying attention to some signs, it can be easy to detect this disease. COPD causes difficulty in breathing, especially during physical activities. Along with this, excessive coughing with mucus, tightness or heaviness in the chest, frequent lung infections, weight loss without any reason can also be a sign of this health problem.

These symptoms can be triggered due to smell, cold air, air pollution, cold or infection.

Why does COPD occur?

COPD is mainly known as a problem caused by smoking. Long-term exposure to chemicals, smoke, vapors and dust in the workplace can also be a cause of COPD. Experts say that people who have had asthma should keep trying to keep it under control. This can also cause COPD.

Some studies show that severe COPD can also cause life-threatening problems like heart attack. It can also cause lung cancer.

Prevention and treatment of COPD
In most cases, COPD is directly related to smoking cigarettes, the best way to prevent COPD is not to smoke. COPD can also be prevented by avoiding chemicals and pollution and maintaining a proper daily routine. Symptoms can be prevented from worsening through certain types of medicines, therapy, etc. Identifying it on time can help reduce the complications caused by COPD.

(PC: Freepik)