How To Make Rainbow Mocktail: As soon as the summer season comes, there is a lot of craving to drink cold drinks. In such a situation, to calm this craving, people prefer to consume cold lassi, buttermilk, cold drink, juice, or shake. But have you ever made and drank a sour-sweet rainbow mocktail at home? If not, then today we have come up with a recipe for making sweet and sour Rainbow mocktails. You can serve Rainbow Mocktail to the guests who come home during the house party. Everyone immediately feels freshness and energy after drinking this, so let's know How to make Summer Special Rainbow Mocktail...

Ingredients required to make Rainbow Mocktail-

Strawberry/raspberry juice 1 cup

Sugar 1/2 cup

Orange juice 2 cups

Soda bottle

lemon juice 1 tsp

Ice cubes 7-8

Blue and red food colors

How to make Rainbow Mocktail?

To make Rainbow Mocktail, first of all, take a pan.

Then you prepare the syrup by adding water and sugar to it.

After this, you leave the syrup to cool down.

Then add strawberry or raspberry juice to it and mix.

After this, you keep it in the fridge to cool down.

Then you put soda in 2 shots glass.

After this, add blue color and red food colors to it.

Then you first pour cold strawberry juice into the glass.

After this, you put 3-4 ice cubes on top of it.

Then you put a spoon upside down on the edge of the glass.

After this, slowly add orange juice to it.

Then when a layer of juice is formed, remove the spoon.

After this, you put the spoon in again and add blue soda.

Then add red soda like this and add an ice cube.

Keep in mind that one layer should be made of all these drinks.

Now your attractive rainbow mocktail is ready.

Then you serve it by pouring lemon juice on top.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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