Home Remedies for Constipation: In today's era, where people do not pay any attention to their diet, constipation has become a common problem. In the problem of constipation, one does not feel like working and his whole day gets spoiled. Not only this, problems of loss of appetite, burning sensation in the chest, raw belching, pain in the stomach, etc. also occur in constipation. There can be many reasons for this like- consumption of more oil spices, processed food, lack of water, any health related problem etc. Some people's constipation gets cured in 1-2 days, but some have to struggle with this problem for a long time. Many people go to the doctor to get rid of the problem of constipation. However, let us tell you that the problem of constipation can also be cured with indigenous things. Let's find out how?

Curd is very beneficial for stomach health. The probiotic (Bifidobacterium lactis) present in it helps in improving digestion. Try consuming curd daily, you will never have the problem of constipation.

Green leafy vegetables
Consumption of green leafy vegetables like broccoli, spinach and Brussels sprouts is beneficial for health and it also keeps you away from constipation. You must include these vegetables in your daily diet.

Many people think that consuming ghee increases weight, but it is not so. Consumption of ghee in limited quantity is beneficial for health. Ghee is a rich source of butyric acid, which helps in improving gut health and bowel movements.

Amla is considered very beneficial for health. This superfood also keeps you away from the problem of constipation. If you have a complaint of constipation for a long time, then you can consume 2 teaspoons of amla juice daily on an empty stomach.