In today's time, due to wrong eating and poor lifestyle, people have started falling prey to serious diseases at an early age. In such a situation, to remain healthy, taking a proper diet should include such things which are rich in nutrients. That's why clove is also used as a spice in Indian kitchens. Cloves are rich in proteins, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, carbohydrates, sodium, and hydrochloric acid, which are essential for good health. Cloves rich in medicinal properties also have antiseptic, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties. Today in this episode, we are going to tell you how the consumption of cloves can prove to be beneficial in terms of health. Let us know about these benefits…

Good for teeth
Clove has anti-microbial properties. This help prevents the growth of bad bacteria. For this reason, they prove to be helpful in oral health. It also provides relief for toothache. You can keep a clove on the painful area in the mouth for a few minutes. It works to give relief from pain. If used in herbal toothpaste, it can help eliminate plaque and tooth decay.

Increase sperm count
Clove is very beneficial for male health. Consuming cloves helps in increasing sperm count. But you should consume it in limited quantity or on the advice of a doctor. Eating cloves in excess disturbs the testosterone hormone. Testosterone is a male hormone.

Beneficial in Asthma
The benefits of clove are also found in asthma. Take cloves, fig flowers, and black salt in equal quantities. Grind them and make gram-sized tablets. Sucking it by keeping it in the mouth cures asthma and respiratory disorders.

Effective in cancer prevention
Many types of powerful antioxidants are found in cloves, which help in protecting cells from destruction. The lower the rate of destruction of cells, the lower the risk of cancer. Another study was also done in which different types of components present in clove oil were found to have the ability to prevent breast cancer.

Control blood sugar level
Clove is effective for people with diabetes as it controls high blood sugar levels. However, if consumed in excess, they can lower blood sugar levels significantly. It is also advised not to eat cloves for at least two weeks before and after surgery.

Immunity will be strong
Cloves contain Vitamin C and some antioxidants, which are known to increase the white blood cells in the body. Vitamin C present in cloves strengthens immunity, as well as keeps your health good.

Make liver healthy
Some studies on cloves suggest that consuming cloves helps in keeping the liver healthy and consequently reduces the risk of liver diseases. One study found that eugenol, a substance present in cloves, reduced the symptoms of liver cirrhosis.

Headache relief
Cloves contain eugenol, which has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that are effective in relieving headaches. Applying clove oil on the head gives you relief from headaches.