Wearing white clothes on any special occasion looks quite attractive. However, white clothes turn yellow quickly and stains are easily visible on them. Some stains can be cleaned with normal wash, but some other stains are so stubborn that it becomes very difficult to clean them. In such a situation, a simple and inexpensive thing can make your white dress shine in minutes.

The special thing we are talking about is caustic soda. Caustic soda is an inorganic compound which is also called soda ash. Caustic soda is also used for many other purposes. Caustic soda comes in both solid and liquid forms. It is available in the market at very low cost.

How to use?

First of all, fill a bucket or tub with water and add two-three spoons of caustic soda in it. After this, mix caustic soda in water well with the help of wood. Now put white clothes in it and let them soak for two-three hours. After this, clean the clothes with soap. You will see that your clothes shine like new.

Keep these things in mind:

Caustic soda is very powerful, so be extremely careful while using it. Caustic soda can be harmful for skin and eyes. Always wear gloves and protective goggles when using caustic soda. Apart from this, keep these things mentioned below in mind

- Adding caustic soda in water will heat the water, so be careful.

- Do not mix caustic soda in cold water. Always mix this in hot water only.

- After using caustic soda, clean the bucket and other utensils thoroughly.

Does caustic soda remove all stains?

No, caustic soda does not remove all stains. But, it helps in removing most of the stains easily. If you have a very old or deep stain on your clothes, you can try other methods along with caustic soda.

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