Nowadays, we use mop to make our cleaning tasks easier. Floor cleaning becomes much easier with the help of a mop. But with continuous use, the mop gets dirty and then before cleaning it, you have to clean the mop itself. Cleaning the mop head is not that difficult. But when you clean the mop head, it becomes like new again.

Machine wash is considered to be the best way to clean the mop head. But apart from this, the mop head can be cleaned in many other ways. So today in this article we are telling you about many different methods of cleaning the mop head-

Use vinegar

Using vinegar to clean the mop head is considered very good. For this, all you have to do is make a solution of one bucket of water and white vinegar. Now dip the mop head in water and let it soak for 20-30 minutes. Now rub the mop head with a brush to clean the dirt and stains. After this, clean the mop head thoroughly with the help of clean water and then let it dry.

Clean with bleach

Mop heads can also be cleaned with the help of bleach, but bleach is not considered safe for every mop head. Therefore, whenever you clean with bleach, read the label once. Use it only if the mop head is bleach-safe. For this, make a solution by adding one part bleach to ten parts water in a bucket. Now dip the mop head in bleach solution for about 10 minutes. Now clean it with the help of a brush. After this, clean it with clean water and then let it dry in the air.

Clean with baking soda

The mop head can also be cleaned with the help of baking soda. For this, mix about 4 tablespoons of baking soda in one gallon of water and make a solution. Now soak the mop head in it and leave it for a few hours. Now clean the mop head with the help of a brush. Then clean it with water and dry it in the air.

Do hand wash

The mop head can also be handwash-cleaned. For this, you pour hot water into a bucket. Also, add detergent and soak the mop head in that water. Let it soak for 15-20 minutes. Now clean the mop head with the help of a brush. Finally, wash it thoroughly with clean water and let it air dry.

Image Credit- freepik