Nowadays the lifestyle of people is getting worse. This can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke including cholesterol. At the same time, due to the increase in cholesterol levels, the risk of obesity and high blood pressure also increases in people. On the other hand, when cholesterol increases, some symptoms appear in your nails, which you should not ignore even by mistake.

These symptoms are seen in the nails when cholesterol increases-
Yellowing of nails

When the level of cholesterol in the body increases, the color of your nails becomes yellow. This indicates poor blood circulation in the body. At the same time, because of this, the color of your nails starts turning yellow. Or cracks start forming in the nails. Not only this, but it also stops the growth of your nails.

Hand pain
When plaque accumulates in the body it clogs the arteries which are called atherosclerosis. As cholesterol builds up in the body it can clog the blood vessels of the hands. Because of this pain starts in the hands.

Tingling in hands
Tingling is felt in the hands due to blockage of blood flow in certain parts of the body. Due to high cholesterol and obesity, proper flow of blood is not possible. This causes tingling in the hands. Therefore, if you feel tingling in your hands, it should not be ignored.