Children love to watch cartoons, in the 1990s Tom and Jerry, The Jungle Book, TaleSpin, Donald Duck, DuckTales, and Spider-Man Cartoon show like Spiderman, Dungeons & Dragons and Bat Man were the rage, but nowadays kids are more interested in Doraemon and Shin-chan and Oggy and the Cockroaches. Cockroaches) love to watch. But is it right for children to watch cartoons?

Why has the trend of watching cartoons increased?
Compared to the last few decades, nowadays children are watching more cartoons, in fact, in the 90s you could see such programs only through television, but nowadays, apart from TV, many gadgets like laptops, desktops, mobiles, and tablets are present in the house. In this, children keep watching cartoons continuously on the internet.

What is the opinion of the psychologist?
Regarding this, Dr. Manisha Singhal, Senior Consultant Clinical Psychologist at Metro Hospital, Noida, told that the habit of watching cartoons in children can gradually turn into an addiction. In such a situation, their food is also affected. They are not able to take the right amount of food, which affects their diet. Anyway, eating time is family time. In such a situation, it is necessary to motivate the children to spend time with the family instead of the screen at this time.

Cartoon side effects
Dr. Manisha told that instead of watching cartoons, ask children to go for other activities including physical. With this, his cartoon will be missed. At the same time, when he gets tired of the activity, he will not be able to watch cartoons. He says that activity also works for meditation. On the one hand, children enjoy this. On the other hand, his mind starts getting engaged in his studies as well.

Bad effect on the mind
Parents should make sure that the screen time of their boys and girls is less because first of all their eyes are affected badly. Some children even wear glasses due to this. Watching too many cartoons has a bad effect on their mind, they may get used to living in the virtual world. Some children can also become violent after seeing a fight or stunt. It has been proved in many types of research that it has a bad effect on the mental development of children. That's why immediately get rid of children from the bad addiction to cartoons.