If you want to keep your child healthy and away from diseases, then it is important to first change his lifestyle. Recently, the death of a class nine student in a school in Lucknow due to a heart attack shocked everyone. Some people linked it to congenital disease, while others linked it to modern lifestyle. If seen, nature has made the body of children in such a way that they can tolerate all types of food habits and habits. Doctors say that by the age of 10, blocks start forming in the heart arteries of children, the effect of which is visible in the form of serious diseases sooner or later. Today, cases of heart attack have started coming to light at such a young age, due to which parents need to be aware and bring changes in the lifestyle of their children.

Nutritious and balanced diet
Give a colorful rainbow diet to children since childhood. Include things rich in fiber, protein, and vitamin minerals in every meal. Include as many fruits, vegetables, pulses, milk, and milk products as possible in your diet, and take care of hydration.

Avoiding refined things
According to WHO, giving more than 15-20 grams or 3 teaspoons of sugar daily to a child is harmful. Keep children away from refined sugar items like toffee chocolate, cold drinks, shakes, juices, and ultra-processed foods. The refined carbohydrates present in them harm health.

Do not give pocket money
Do not develop the habit of giving pocket money to children or giving it in limited amounts, so that they do not eat unhealthy things in the school canteen or outside with friends. Try to give them homemade nutritious items or snacks in tiffin.

Some solutions
Do not allow children to sit for long periods. Parents should assess the child's interest and encourage him to do other activities. This will protect the child from obesity and diseases. Encourage the child for outdoor physical activities. According to the American Heart Association, every child needs to be active for at least 3-4 hours. This exercises the heart and keeps the child healthy. Teach your child stress management techniques so that he learns to control his emotions. Only then will he not become hyper moody. Circadian rhythm affects mental, behavioral, and physical changes in the body, it is your job to take care of it. Take special care that the child does not use TV or gadgets after dinner. If parents smoke then do not bring it into the house and do not consume it in front of the child. With this, the child will not be exposed to passive smoking will be protected from diseases, and will also not be attracted to it when he grows up.

Make activeness a habit
Senior cardiologist Dr. Rajesh Sharma says, first of all, parents need to adopt a restrained lifestyle. No matter how busy you are, feed your children home-cooked food. Involve children in family activities. Take them to the park every morning and evening and involve them in outdoor physical activities. Play games like badminton etc. with them. Encourage them to play with friends. This will help them develop the habit of being active, they will remain healthy and their quality of life will be good.

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