It is often heard saying that it is wrong to scold children too much. But still, some people go the opposite way. The negative effect of parents' scolding can prove to be the cause of many types of disorders inside the child. At the same time, sometimes the working of both parents can also become the cause of mental disorders in the child. Let us know what is a mental disorder and its reasons.

Mental disorder
Mental disorder is such a condition of the child's brain, in the child remains irritable, cranky, and angry all the time. Although parents may find this behavior of children normal. But its treatment is necessary. This is such a danger bell on which the future of the child depends. Let us know about this from Dr. Yuvraj Pant, a psychologist at Government Medical College Haldwani, what to do in such a situation.

Expert view
Some symptoms are found in children suffering from a mental disorder. Giving more information about this, Dr. Yuvraj Pant.

Learning disorder
Such children also face difficulties in reading and writing. Not only do they face difficulty in reading, but such children also start writing late. In many cases, it has been seen that children are not ready to hold a pencil.

Attention deficit hyperactive disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is a brain disorder. In this, the child is unable to concentrate on anything. He always behaves differently. There is a lack of concentration in reading or even while playing.

Autism spectrum disorder
Autism spectrum disorder proves to be one of the main causes of delayed speech. Such children do not pick up things according to their age. They lag behind other children in speaking. Listens and notices others all the time, but does not try to speak for himself.

Conduct disorder
In this disease, the child does everything of his own free will. His attitude becomes arbitrary. The child starts doing everything in reverse. Apart from this, he also gives the opposite answer and abuses.

Developmental disorder
In this, the development of the child is halted. The child misses the developmental milestones. There seems to be a delay in every work and activity.

Having nightmares
Sleepwalking, talking and having nightmares indicate a mental disorder. Such children often shy away from sleeping. They think that if we go to sleep, the same nightmares will again start passing in front of our eyes. The reason for this can also be the inappropriate behavior of the parents. Apart from this, watching cartoon characters or movies during the day can also prove to be the cause of nightmares.

Get irritated easily
Many children are like this, so they start feeling bad about small things very quickly. The reason is the disturbance of the mind. If your child also starts getting irritated on every issue, then the reason for this could be the behavior of the parents. Also, children become irritable due to getting more screen time. Actually, by playing TV or video games for a long time, the mental level of the children starts getting disturbed gradually. Due to this, their learning capacity also starts decreasing.

Don't talk much
Such children start searching for solitude. They reduce sitting and talking in the company of others. Many times petty quarrels in the house leave a deep impact on the mind of the children. This weakens their morale. They like to spend more time outside the house. By scolding children all the time, their confidence starts to end. As a result, they start shying away from talking.

Be tired all the time
Children have such a powerful tonic, which maintains energy in them throughout the day. But the children who become victims of mental disorders, start fighting a war with themselves inside all the time. Due to overthinking and underestimating themselves, they start stealing from every work. Now they feel tired before doing every work. Due to this, they are not able to concentrate fully on their studies.