Cyber ​​frauds are increasing so much that it has become difficult to confine them within the country's borders. Even a person sitting miles away can clean out your account, but money mules are being used a lot for sending money abroad so that it becomes difficult to catch the real cyber criminal. Let us know in this news how this is done and why it is done.

The game of transferring money from one bank account to another

You must have heard about export or import of rice, pulses, oil but what will you say if someone tells you that even the money of fraud is being exported these days. Yes, this is the reality of today's times and is also a big problem for the Indian agencies investigating cyber fraud. Banks and investigation agencies are surprised about the money of fraud going out of the country at rocket speed every day. The big question is why is this happening. Why is it difficult to control it? Actually, behind this, there are thousands and lakhs of such mobile bank accounts which are called the slingshot of cyber fraud in the language of cyber crime and the person who operates this slingshot is called 'money mule'.

What are 'money mules'

A money mule is a person who first receives the money received from the victims of fraud in his bank account and then transfers it to the next bank account. This amount is transferred from several accounts to each other by the money mule. In this whole game, some money mules know that they are a part of a criminal activity and they do this thoughtfully, but the people who receive and transfer money to their accounts are unaware of this criminal activity and unknowingly become a part of this fraud.

Whose bank accounts are used

In money mule, bank accounts of such people are mostly used who do not know that their bank account is being used for criminal and fraudulent money transactions. Cyber ​​expert Kamakshi Sharma says that nowadays bank accounts of college students are used for this. These children are mostly from very ordinary families and come from their cities to metros to study. Accounts are opened in their name and used and they are given a small amount in return for this, due to which the children are happy and open accounts of their friends and siblings in the same way. They do not know who is using these bank accounts opened by them and how, they do this only for the pocket money they get every month.

Use of bank accounts of poor people

Mathura's SP City Dr. Arvind Kumar says that apart from students, labourers and poor people are their victims in whose name bank accounts are opened so that if bank accounts are investigated then these people are caught. Most of the MNREGA labourers are involved in this. Many times, on investigation, such people come forward who do not even know that such a huge amount is being transacted in their bank account. The real purpose of transferring money through money mules is to create confusion in the banking system so that they can get both ease and time to withdraw money from the banking system.

A senior police officer, on the condition of anonymity, says that today frauds worth crores are happening every day but the saddest thing is that all this money is being transferred from our economy to other countries, from where it is impossible to recover the money. In such a situation, the Indian government is very worried because your money is going out of the country to foreign countries through money mules. This includes many countries like Dubai, China, Nigeria, Singapore and Cambodia and due to the absence of any kind of treaty with these countries, it becomes difficult to get the money back to our country.

Use of Mule Account

Using a Money Mule

The easiest way for cyber thugs sitting abroad to get money in their country is money mule. In this, money is transferred from many accounts and goes out of the country. As soon as the money is debited from your account, it is immediately transferred from one to another, second to third and many such accounts so that banks and police have to face more difficulty in tracing the money. After this, the money is immediately withdrawn from the banking system through ATM or transferred to a foreign account.

Banks are taking strict steps

A bank official, on the condition of anonymity, says that today money mules are being used the most to transfer money. It is used to transfer money illegally both knowingly and unknowingly but today banks are becoming cautious and where the bank feels that too many transactions are taking place in an account, that account is being blocked and that account is also being investigated so that bank accounts cannot be used for fraud in this way. 9 out of 10 accounts in the country are being used through money mules. It is difficult to detect them, which makes the job of fraudsters very easy and money goes out of the banking system. Once the money goes out of the banking system, it is difficult to recover it.

Today, all the big banks of the country are keeping an eye on money mules and are taking immediate action if any kind of banking fraud is found. To detect such bank accounts, banks are also using various latest software so that such accounts can be caught.

How to identify a mule account

How can you save your bank account?

Money mule is a criminal activity. If the bank suspects that your account is involved in any kind of criminal activity then the bank can block your account and investigate you. Therefore, it is your duty to keep your bank account safe.

– Do not share your personal information with anyone. Someone can open an account in your name using your information and use it for criminal activities.

– Keep an eye on the transactions on your personal bank account, if any transaction happens without your knowledge then immediately inform your bank about it.

– If anyone asks you for your bank account details for personal use, do not share any information. Many times, people tell you without telling that you just give your details once or when money comes in your account, you transfer it to this account. Do not fall for such things, most of this money is taken and given through criminal means.

– Beware of fraudsters, keep your bank account completely safe.