More than 6 months have passed since the launch of ChatGPT. Since its launch, this language model tool with artificial intelligence has gained a lot of popularity worldwide. Today, more than 100 million users are using ChatGPT worldwide. This language model tool gives precise answers to almost all the questions you ask. However, you must have seen this message written "ChatGPT is at capacity right now" while using it many times. Apart from this, Error 1020 is also seen written on the screen many times. These messages are written when this chatbot tool is being used by a large number of people. Due to this, the server is very busy, due to and this message appears on the screen.

ChatGPT Is At Capacity Right Now Fix
If you are also facing the same problem while using ChatGPT.
In this case, refresh the page.

If you are not able to use ChatGPT even after refreshing the page.
In this case, you should open ChatGPT on Incognito mode.
If still “ChatGPT is at capacity right now” is visible on the screen.

In this case, you should clear the cache memory of the browser.
Even after adopting all these methods, if you are not able to use ChatGPT.
In this case, you should use it after a while.

Apart from this, you can buy a premium membership of ChatGPT.
After purchasing a premium subscription to ChatGPT, you will be able to use it even when its demand is high.

(PC: Freepik)