Dehydration i.e. lack of water in the body can be harmful for overall health in many ways. This is the reason why all people are advised to drink at least 3-4 liters of water daily. Drinking less water, especially in summer, can cause dehydration. In this situation, you may have dizziness, low blood pressure, fainting, and many other problems. Apart from this, the condition of dehydration is also considered to increase problems for your heart.

Health experts say, when you drink adequate amount of water, your heart does not have to work hard. That is, heart health can also be maintained by keeping the body hydrated. At the same time, even mild dehydration can affect your blood vessels, making them less elastic. This condition can affect heart health.

It is important to keep drinking water to keep the heart healthy
Health experts say that it is necessary to have a sufficient amount of water in the body for our heart to keep working properly. Lack of water can cause low blood pressure due to which your heart rate can become abnormal. The condition of increased or abnormal heart rate is considered harmful to health. However, doctors have found that after drinking enough water, these problems also start getting cured easily.

Joints remain healthy
Drinking water is also important to keep the function of your joints organized. It is important to keep drinking water for the cartilage of bones. Cartilage absorbs all types of shock and protects the bones from any kind of damage. Apart from this, researchers have found that people who keep drinking adequate amounts of water also have a lower risk of gout. Water helps in removing toxins from your body which can cause inflammation in the joints.

Body temperature remains controlled
Cells cool your body by producing sweat. Therefore, drink plenty of water an hour before going out for exercise. Drink a few sips of water every 15 minutes during your workout. By doing this, you can increase the production of sweat from the body, which keeps the body temperature balanced. People who drink less water often faint during or after exercise.

Kidneys stay healthy
Water helps your kidneys remove wastes from the blood. If you do not drink enough water, the waste can accumulate with acid. This leads to an excess of a protein called myoglobin in your kidneys. Excess myoglobin can also cause kidney failure. The more you urinate due to drinking more water, it means that your kidneys are working well.