ChatGPT is being used on a large scale. Some are doing it to make notes and some are doing it to make a diet plan. ChatGPT is being used most in customer support, but some people are so smart that they are taking advice from ChatGPT for their diseases also. People are telling their illness to ChatGPT and then taking medicines based on the suggestions given by him, but this can be very dangerous for your health. Some experts have warned people about this.

The use of ChatGPT to answer medication-related questions has come under scrutiny following a recent study conducted by pharmacists at Long Island University. A study of pharmacists found that a chatbot, ChatGPT, provided incorrect or incomplete answers to nearly three-quarters of medication-related questions.

During the study, 39 health-related questions were asked from ChatGPT, out of which the answers to only 10 questions were satisfactory. The remaining 29 medication-related responses were considered incorrect and incomplete. After the study, it was said that the free version of ChatGPT is even more dangerous because it has information available only till September 2021.

ChatGPT, in response to a question, said that there is no problem in using Pfizer's Paxolovid and blood pressure-lowering drug Verapamil together, whereas the truth is that taking these two medicines together can reduce blood pressure significantly and This could pose a potential risk to patients.

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