Periods are an essential part of every woman's life. Every woman has to go through this process. During this period, women have to face heavy flow, stomach pain and mood swings. Periods indicate the good health of every woman. If there is even the slightest disturbance in it, it is not a good sign. At the same time, some women sometimes have very little blood flow during their periods. If this happens to you too, then let us know from health expert PriyankaJaiswal about the reason behind reduced blood flow during periods.

Why does blood flow reduce during periods?

  • Bleeding can also be reduced due to stress. In fact, due to stress, cortisol hormone increases in the body, which affects the function of the hypothalamus, pituitary and pancreas, due to which light bleeding can occur.
  • Blood flow also reduces due to menstruation at a young age. At this age, hormones are produced less which reduces bleeding. Sometimes girls have very little bleeding or spots appear.

  • In the problem of PCOD and PCOS also due to hormonal imbalance, blood flow decreases during periods. In this condition, female hormones are produced less which causes less blood flow.
  • If you are older and in the pre-menopausal phase, your blood flow may also reduce. Apart from this, if you are underweight and have less fat in the body, menstruation can also become irregular. In such a situation, your hormones are not able to function normally.
  • According to experts, women who do very intense workouts release more energy than required. Due to this, light bleeding is also seen.
  • When thyroid hormone production increases rapidly, periods may also become lighter.

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