Cause Of Hair Loss: There are reasons for premature hair fall. If your age increases and hair loss starts then it is not a big problem but becoming bald at the age of less than 70 years is a disease. Genes, hormonal disorders, insomnia, depression, infection, some medicines, and nutritional deficiencies can be responsible for this. If you have anemia i.e. lack of blood, hair can also fall. The use of products containing too many chemicals also causes premature hair fall. Apart from this, there are many other reasons also. But among all these reasons, lack of nutrients is most responsible. Among these, zinc deficiency is the most responsible.

Other causes of hair fall
A deficiency of zinc, vitamin D, and iron is responsible for hair fall. Due to zinc deficiency, hair starts getting damaged and hair starts breaking. According to the report, a healthy man should consume 11 mg of zinc in his diet daily while women are required to consume 8 mg of zinc daily.

How to fulfill all these things
Mushrooms: Mushrooms should be consumed adequately for zinc deficiency. Mushroom fulfills the deficiency of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and protein as well as zinc.

Peanuts: Peanuts contain iron, potassium, folic acid, vitamin E, magnesium, etc. All these elements are essential for the health of hair.

Legume vegetables- To overcome zinc deficiency, legume vegetables should be consumed. For this, consume chickpeas, lentils, pigeon peas, beans, etc.

Pumpkin Seeds- Zinc and iron are found in abundance in pumpkin seeds. This provides excellent nutrition to the hair.

Take care of your hair like this
According to Healthline, to prevent hair fall in old age, massage your hair regularly. Aloe vera, coconut oil, fish oil, onion juice, rosemary oil, lemon juice, and ginseng oil are also beneficial. Do not use excessive chemical products in hair. If hair is falling excessively then it is important to consult an expert doctor. Also, it is important to eat healthy and say bye to unhealthy food.
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