In modern life, caffeine is considered a good option to remain alert and focused during work or studies. Due to this, coffee, tea, energy drinks and even caffeine-rich snacks have become a part of our daily routine. But the question here is, is caffeine just a solution to relieve fatigue and a means to stay awake? Or it gives our body much more than just instant energy… let us know everything in this article today…

What is caffeine?
Caffeine is an organic compound, which is one of the most commonly used psychoactive substances worldwide. It belongs to a class of compounds called xanthines and can be found naturally in a variety of plant sources including coffee beans, tea leaves, cocoa pods, and kola nuts. Not only that, but caffeine is often produced synthetically and is included in many beverages, medicines, and even some snacks.

Let us know its benefits...
1. Prevents some diseases:

Consumption of caffeine keeps our body away from certain types of diseases. Also, these diseases include Type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease.

2. Mental Health Benefits:
The effects of caffeine on the brain go beyond an immediate increase in alertness. It can also impact aspects of mental health, affecting mood, and cognition, and may even provide a potential shield against certain mental health conditions. This includes improvement in mood and distance from depression and anxiety.

3. Increase in physical performance
Let us tell you that caffeine plays a very important role in improving physical performance. Caffeine is a natural stimulant that temporarily increases the level of adrenaline in your bloodstream, making you feel energetic for any physical activity.

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