Have you got diabetes?

Do periods not occur on time due to PCOD?

Are the problems of constipation and bloating troubling you?

In such a situation, instead of getting worried, include this easy yoga asana in your fitness routine. Yes, we are talking about butterfly posture. By doing this easily at home, you can overcome many health-related problems. Himalaya Siddha Akshar, founder of Akshar Yoga Centre, yoga and spiritual guru, is telling us about this.

Experts say, “Butterfly asana is one of the most important asanas in yoga, which has many health benefits. It is also known as The Butterfly Pose. The name of Titli Asana comes from Sanskrit words and its pronunciation is formed by combining all the words. This asana is very similar to the body posture of a butterfly, hence this asana has been named butterfly asana.

Health Benefits of Butterfly Pose

Butterfly Asana has a lot of health benefits, some of them include strengthening thighs, hips and calves, improving digestive health, promoting delivery naturally, reducing fat in the thigh area, and improving liver and kidney function. Including improving and relieving stress and anxiety.

Strengthens thighs, hips and calves

By doing the butterfly posture regularly, the muscles of these three parts get stretched. This is because while doing the asana, there is additional pressure on the muscles, which increases the blood flow in these parts. Apart from this, it provides more oxygen and nutrition, which strengthens the muscles.

Kidney and liver function improves

This creates pressure in the kidneys and liver, which produces stress hormones and stimulates the kidneys and liver to function better. Apart from this, it reduces fat accumulated in the liver and kidneys.

Improves digestive health

It prevents digestive problems like constipation because while doing Titli Asana, pressure is created on the stomach and intestines, which causes stress in the body. Doing this yoga asana daily increases the functioning of the digestive system, which improves proper bowel movement and increases the production of digestive juices and enzymes. Furthermore, it digests complex proteins and carbohydrates easily.

Provides relief from stress and anxiety

When we do this butterfly asana, blood circulation increases, which improves blood flow in the brain and the brain gets an adequate amount of oxygenated blood and nutrition, which improves brain function relieves stress, and anxiety and reduces headache.

Delivery is normal

Regularly doing Titli Asana during pregnancy is beneficial for pregnant women and it increases normal delivery.

Reduces thighs fat

While doing this asana, pressure is created on the thigh muscles, which helps in reducing the extra fat in the thighs. Regular practice of butterfly asana is beneficial for the thigh muscles.

How to do butterfly posture?

  • Sit in Sukhasana.
  • Now bend both the legs from the knees.
  • Place them inside in such a way that the soles of the feet are touching each other.
  • Try to pull the heels inward as much as possible.
  • Now hold both the legs together with your hands and keep the spine as straight as possible.
  • Now inhale and place your hands on both knees.
  • As we exhale, move the knees up and down until the knees touch the ground.
  • Breathe normally and repeat this process at least 15 to 20 times.


When we start this yoga asana, we feel some pain in the legs, hips, thighs, calves, stomach and knees, but as we do it, we can do the asana more easily.

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